Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Animated Memoir

I shot this video and added the background color change to symbolize the repetition of hope and frustration in my creative process. The wheel was the hardest processes I have ever learned, but it opened me up to a great medium of making and all it took was countless repetition. I want the colors to symbolize what I am feeling as the video goes on, and as my 'piece' starts to fail. The light yellow colors acting as high expectations for something great, and the dark reds acting as annoyance of another ruined piece.


  1. I enjoy that you have decided to use actual film footage for your video, I couldn’t imagine how hard it would have been to make all of the frames for the wheel. I also enjoy your color concept but I believe that if the frames were just a bit slower, it would be easier to see the transition between them. I also think that if you incorporated sound in some way, the video would have a stronger appeal.

  2. The background colors were really successful in portraying your expectations and then showing your frustration. I really enjoyed how you started a new piece at the end with new hopes. The background in the beginning provides full coverage but as the video goes on some white spots start to show up between you and the background color, maybe clean it up a little. And I agree with Devan, adding a bit of sound would strengthen your video.

  3. I think the use of the color to portray your changing attitude as you work with the piece of clay is really effective. I liked the transition of the color, but there were some places, especially in your hair and around the bucket, flashed around distractingly, so it would be helpful to clean those parts up a little bit. I think the transitions from frame to frame are very well-paced, and conveyed your frustration towards the end. Having you start over with new clay and a new hopeful yellow background at the end is a nice touch.

  4. The combination of drawings and actual footage is really effective in expressing your different emotions and thoughts throughout the act of creating. I agree with what Devan said, I wish there was maybe some sort of sound, and I also wish that maybe it were a little longer so that I could have time to connect with the emotions you are illustrating. The way that it loops back to the beginning in the end is really interesting because it really shows that the creative process is never over and it's something that an artist has to work through over and over again. Overall you definitely got your concept and point across, they were really clear!

  5. The use of colors is really well done to express your emotions. I like that the drawing aspect of your project is subtle and in the background instead of taking center attention. Its easy to see how you are feeling based on the colors as you're making the project. I think maybe some sound could enhance the project, maybe the sound a pottery wheel spinning. Also just adding more frames could give the viewer more time to see the emotions you are trying to get across. The ending also seems abrupt.

  6. I think the combination of the colors along with the video was very well synced up because I can see the emotion changing along with the colors. I would give it a stronger ending because it just kind of ends at a weird spot, and also I would've drug it out longer to show you actually finishing a piece and maybe changing it over to the cool side of the color wheel for the background.
